Robyn Francis Consulting Services:
International Permaculture Design & Consulting Services
At the cutting edge of international design, consulting and training services for sustainable developments, Robyn Francis brings a wealth of professional experience in sustainable systems planning and design accumulated over 25 years. Visionary and intensely practical, Robyn Francis has a unique capacity to cut through to the core issues and essence of a project and in collaboration with clients and professional teams, facilitate achievable outcomes and design strategies for regenerative developments which meet ecological, social, cultural and economic objectives.
Key Consulting Services:
Strategic Planning
planning, design and development principles and guidelines for integrated interdisciplinary approach to meet best practice ESD principles adapted to specific site, nature of development, catchment and cultural context
Master Planning
working with and facilitating interdisciplinary teams to optimise integrated ecological and social planning approach to project concepts, themes and relative location of land use systems, infrastructure, soft and hard landscape parameters within strategic planning framework
Concept Planning
develop concepts for development design components, elements and staging within context of strategic and master planning framework including functional parameters and directives for detail design and construction plans
Detail Design
supervise and review development of detail designs for public and private landscapes, implementation guidelines and strategies
Community Resource Management and Governance
input into and review of resident by-laws regarding community land and landscape management under Community Title, Strata Title and Rural Land Sharing Communities (MO) frameworks, community governance and decision-making processes and protocols
creative design and planning process facilitation for interdisciplinary team work (e.g. strategic & master planning), community consultation processes and community participatory design. Participatory facilitation processes include Imagineering the Future, Cultural Mapping, Affinity Matrix, Speak-Out Forums, Pattern Quest and Parallel Thinking.
Professional Development and Education Services
Innovative approaches to integrated design, Francis provides Professional Development seminars and workshops for developers, consulting teams, design professionals, project managers on integrated ecological design, pattern systems, social ecology in the physical landscape, inter-disciplinary team building and creative problem solving processes.
This link is an ABC National Radio Flashmovie, part of the Re-imagining Utopia program series in 2002.
Jarlanbah – An interview with Robyn Francis
Permaculture educator Robyn Francis talks about her approach to the design of Jarlanbah, a 43 lot eco-village which was the first rural residential Community Title development in NSW.