IPC-11 Cuba International Permaculture Conference keynote presentation Autralasian Permacuture Convergence, New Zealand Evening seminar in Santa Barbara CA, USA
Videos of Robyn Francis
This video by Jeff Licence was featured at Short Film Festival in Byron Bay 2015 Robyn Francis interviewed for Living in the Future Sangye Christianson made this short video of Robyn’s Djanbung Gardens Djanbung Gardens 20th Anniversary Robyn explains the subtropical food forest at Djanbung Gardens
Robyn Francis Permaculture Writings
Robyn Francis has published a number of small practical books, countless articles, course handbooks for training, Celtic Eighfold Year Garden Chart posters, and is a contributing author to several books. She was editor of the Permaculture International Journal (PIJ) for 6 years 1987-1993, taking the publication from a small print-run subscription-only magazine to a 20,000 […]
Robyn Francis Consulting & Design – introduction
Creative Solutions for a Post Carbon World Robyn Francis has designed and consulted on hundreds of projects locally and internationally for over 3 decades, from edible landscapes and rural properties to ecovillage developments, community projects to corporate and government sectors. This work has included master planning, strategic frameworks, landscape concepts, community and participatory design facilitation, […]
Overseas Courses and Presentations
Robyn Francis is an inspiring and skilled educator, passionate about empowering people to solve problems in a practical and creative way, regenerate their environments, build resilient communities and create abundance while caring for the earth. Based on the earthcare ethics and ecological principles permaculture can be readily applied and adapted to specific cultures and climates. […]